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Screening Being Put Off Cervical cancer, a malignant tumor of the cervix, is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women. collier argent Despite the fact that coque iphone 6 easy coque iblason samsung cash cervical cancer is coque iphone 5 s keep calm the leading cause of coque iphone 4s clapet coté death due coque iphone 8 plus paillette to cancer coque iphone 5s footballeur in women, a survey by a cervical cancer charity has revealed that one in three women coque iphone 5s liquid over 50 has delayed or not attended their cervical screening test. coque huawei bijoux pas cher Earlier studies had revealed that in developed countries, it is coque j52017 samsung the widespread use of cervical screening programs that has dramatically reduced rates of cervical cancer. Lack of understanding The survey coque iphone 4s sons of anarchy showed that there is a coque samsung gts7390g lack of understanding of cervix cancer and cancer screening among women in coque iphone 6 a motif that age group. coque huawei The charity hollister coque iphone 5s said that the results of the survey showed that by 2040, cases of cervical cancer were predicted to increase by 16% among 60 64 year olds and by 85% coque iphone clapet 5s among 70 74 year olds if screening uptake stays at the same level. coque samsung Robert Music, chief coque iphone 5c imprimante 3d executive at Jo Cervical Cancer Trust, said coque iphone 5 keep calm and coque samsung ronaldo hakuna matata there is an increase in the cases of cervical cancer in the recent years with 3,207 samsung xcover 4s coque coque iphone 5c attack on titan women in a year being diagnosed with cancer. coque samsung cancer is a preventable disease so it is extremely worrying that diagnoses have risen, he said. coque samsung aged 50 to 64 are of particular concern as they are more likely to receive an advanced stage diagnosis, which means more invasive treatment, poorer health outcomes and increased risk of loss of life. iphone 11 case said cervical screening tests were at an 18 year low of 72%. coque iphone Fear of embarrassment The survey revealed that a third of the women over 50, who were coque iphone 5c hulk part of the survey, found it embarrassing to get the cervical screening test. bijoux personnalise coque iphone A samsung xcover4 coque antichoc quarter of the women coque iphone 6 obey surveyed found it difficult to book an appointment at a convenient time, while one in five found it a painful experience. coque huawei However, nearly 40% of the women said that being sent an appointment with their cervical screening invitation would encourage them coque iphone x silicone transparent to go. coque iphone Jane Ellison, public health minister, said, as we get older, coque iphone 7 plus carbon it is important that we spot any abnormalities early so we have a better chance of preventing cervical cancer. pointed out that cervical screening saved 4,500 lives a year. bracelet bijoux In UK, women are invited for cervical screening between the ages of 25 64 years.